søndag den 10. april 2011

Glass and Ceramics.

Ohoy folkens
Her i Lørdags (09-04-11)
Var jeg på Glas og Keramik skolen med en veninde.
Når man nu bor her på Bornholm som jeg, er der ikke vildt meget at tage sig til.
Skolen har åbent hus to gange om året, hvor man kan købe noget af det eleverne har lavet, så de kan skaffe en lidt penge til nye materialer.
Alt er ret billigt, man ender tit op med to fulde nettoposer.


Hi guys.
This saturday (09-04-11) I went to the Glass and Ceramics school with a good friend of mine. When you live on Bornholm there's not much to do. Well.. at least there's this.
The School have got two days every year, were you are able to buy some of the students have made. So they can earn money for new materials.
It's very cheap, you'll often end up buying alot of wierd shaped glass and such.

Her er et par billeder jeg tog/Some Pictures I took.

lørdag den 26. marts 2011

H&M and Swedish Hasbeens???

De tre designs/The three designs

H&M Samarbejder med det svenske skomærke Swedish Hasbeen
Swedish Hasbeen og H&M har designet tre forskellige par sko som vil koste 399 til 499 danske kroner.
Shoen vil blive solgt i 150 H&M butikker verden rundt den 20. april.

H&M collaborate with the swedish shoelable Swedish Hasbeen.
Swedish Hasbeens and H&M has designed three different pairs of shoes that cost 399 to 499 DKK(around 46-58 brittish punds). The shoes will be sold in 150 H&M stores worldwide the twentieth of April.

Dette er mine ynglings / These are my favorite.

søndag den 13. marts 2011

I like your huge watermelons, are they juicy? ;)''

Hej folkens
Som vi allesammen ved skal vi spise 6 frugter eller 600 gram frugt hver dag.
Det er jeg altså knap så god til, så fra idag af vil jeg prøve på at gøre det!
Og jeg vil kun spise slik og drikke sodavand om fredagen.
Ønsk mig held og lykke.
(Ihh dette bliver svært! :S'')

Hi you guys!
As we all know we're suppose to eat 600 grams of fruit every day.
I'm not that good at it, so from today I'll try doing it.
And I will only eat sweets and drink soda on fridays!
Wish me good luck! 
( This is going to be a hard one :S )
Dette er hvad jeg kickstartede min nye plan: Kiwi, vandmelon og en smoothie.
(spise en del mere frugt end det)

This is how I kickstartet my plan: kiwi, watermelon and a smoothie!
( I ate more fruit then that, don't worry! )

lørdag den 12. marts 2011


Mit værelse er ALT for rodet at se på, her er alt for mange farver.
Det ligner en børnehave!

Alt for meget ragelse
Alt for mange ting
Alt for mane mærkelige udklip fra blade so hænger på mine væge.

Jeg kan simpelthen ikke have det mere!
Efter at have forsøgt at gøre det 3 gange.
Har jeg nu besluttet mig for at gøre det i dag!

Selvom alle ting er fulde af minder.
Jeg bliver stresset bare af at være herinde.
I dag er dagen.
Ønsk mig held og lykke.

My room is WAAAAY too messy, too many colours!?.
It looks like a freaking kindergarden.

Way too much junk.
Way too much stuff.
Way too many wierd paper'things from magaizes on my walls.

Can't take it anymore.
So after 3 times trying to cleen it up, and trow things out!
I've dicidet to do it today!?

Even though the stuff is full of memories! :(''
I'm getting stressed out by just beeing in here!
Today is the day!

fredag den 11. marts 2011

Christian Louboutin - They Took My Breath Away!

I saw them, in the window.
They just took my breath away..

I stood there, as if I saw GOD!
But I kind of did.
Maybe not..

But I'm sure I saw heaven.
The angels sang softly.
A white light shined like the sun.
Only stronger..

They were beautiful, magnificent and .. breathtaking for sure.
The lable.
The hight of the heel.
They.. were perfect!

torsdag den 3. marts 2011

Packing up :D''

Tonight is going to be all about packing my luggage, and tomorrow I'm heading to Copenhagen and further to Rødovre (10 minutes from copenhagen with metro or bus), where I'll spend my winterbreak.
Dina, the friend I'm staying with, had her break in week 8.
So I'm going to school with her, It will sure turn out fun!
Can't wait to see all the beautiful, nice people again!

Suturday we're going to a costumeshop. and sunday it is SHOPPINGTIME on Strøget!

fredag den 25. februar 2011


FINALY IT TURNED FRIDAY, after a hard, stressing, discussed project week
Tonight my amazing friend is sleeping over, also known as Dina
We are watching horror movies, and not eating any candy, or we'll at least try!
Tomorrow night i'm sleeping over at Marie's place, that can't turn out anything else then fun,  not very serious and we'll lough our lungs and intestence out!
What are you doing in your weekend?
Comment below!